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[Pusan National University’s Curriculum] is organized according to the Pusan National University Curriculum Organization and Operation Regulations Article 62, and classes that students need to take from admission to graduation per year and per semester. They consist of the General Education courses, Major Education courses, and General Elective courses per college departments (majors).

General Education

General Education courses are designed to sharpen leadership skills in college graduates and consist of courses that teach basic concepts and ways to explore related fields of study.

Required General Education Courses:

consist of Creative Thinking and Writing (1 credit), Open Minds and Free Speech (1 credit), Global English Ⅰ (2 credits), Global English Ⅱ (2 credits), the Utilization of Information Technology (1 credit), and Reading and Discussing Classics (2 credits). Students are required to complete 9 credits. Students enrolled in an engineering-related major are required to take Engineering: Writing and Presentation (3 credits); however, Creative Thinking and Writing as well as Open Minds and Free Speech are not required.

Elective General Education Courses:

consist of 1. Ideology and History (category 1), 2. Society and Culture (category 2), 3. Literature and Art (category 3), 4. Science and Technology (category 4), 5. Health and Leisure (category 5), 6. Foreign Languages (category 6), and 7. Convergence (category 7). Students are required to complete 21 credits (with the exception of certain majors). Students are required to take a course in at least 5 of the 7 different categories.

Major Education Courses

Major education courses refer to classes that are directly related to the specialized academic research of each major and consist of Fundamental Major Courses, Required Major Courses, Elective Major Courses, and Intensive Major Courses.

Fundamental Major Courses:

consist of classes that students must take to acquire the basic knowledge of their major

Required Major Courses:

consist of required courses for each major of professional academic research.

Elective Major Courses:

consist of advanced classes that delve deeper into various major courses; students of each department choose the courses that interest them most among the elective major courses offered by their department each semester and each year.

Intensive Major Courses:

students who do not take double, second, or combined majors, or are not enrolled in a teacher certification program, must take some Intensive Major courses.

General Elective Courses

Students may take major courses from other departments, but not major courses within their own field of study, as General Elective courses. The number of credits taken in excess of the required number of credits for major courses will be considered to be credits towards General Elective courses.