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Minor / Double Major

Students are allowed to take various majors such as a second major, a double major, or a combined major as well as enroll in a Teacher Certification Program.

Minor Major

Students are allowed to take second major courses beginning in the first semester of their sophomore year. Students must acquire at least 21 credits (including fixed required courses) from the department of their second major and major [including the credits for the basic major courses (required basic major)]

Students who take educational courses as a second major are required to acquire at least 30 credits in their major (including at least 15 credits in basic courses required by the teacher certification system) and at least 4 credits in educational courses. Only students of the College of Education or students who apply for professional educational courses can take educational courses as a second major. Students who enrolled at the University in 2008 or later, or students who were specially admitted to the school in 2008 or later, are not allowed to apply for educational courses as the second major.

Credits for major courses are regarded as credits for second major courses only when the subjects of the major are matched with the required major subjects of the second major. The shortage of credits that results from this situation needs to be compensated with credits for elective major courses of the second major.

Major courses provided by the College of Pharmacy, the College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, the College of Nursing, and the College of Arts (excluding the Department of Korea Music and the Department of Art, Culture, & Image) are not available as second major courses. Students of the above colleges cannot take major courses of other colleges as the second major.

Students who apply for the second major program are required to submit the application to the college during the course registration period after receiving approval from the head of the department of the major and the head of the department of the second major.

Double Major

The Double Major System is available at all departments (colleges) operating the minimum credit system, including the College of Humanities, the College of Social Sciences, the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Engineering (excluding the School of Architecture), the College of Law, the College of Education, the College of Business, the College of Human Ecology, the College of Arts (Department of Korean Music and Department of Art, Culture, & Image), the College of Nano Science and Technology, the College of Natural Resources and Life Science, and the College of Sports Science.

Students can take a subject in the School of Engineering, the School of Material Science and Engineering, the School of Computer Science and Engineering, and the School of Electrical and Electronic Communications Engineering as their double major, but they are not allowed to take a subject in the other schools or departments of the College of Engineering as their double major. They can only take the majors in those schools or departments as their double major. (Ex: School of Physics and Chemistry (x), Major of Physics and Chemistry (o)).

Students who have completed all of the credits required of them for their freshman year are eligible to apply for a double major. Students of the College of Humanities, the College of Social Sciences, the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Business, the College of Human Ecology, the College of Arts (Department of Korean Music and Department of Art, Culture, & Image), the College of Natural Resources and Life Science (Department of Natural Resources and Life Science), the Department of Agricultural Economics, the Department of Tourism and Conventions, and the College of Sports Science are required to acquire at least 33 credits while students of the College of Engineering (excluding School of Architecture), the College of Law, the College of Education, the College of Nano Science and Technology, the College of Natural Resources and Life Science (Department of Bio System), and the Department of Landscape are required to acquire at least 35 credits.

The application period is determined at the end of each school year (mid January).

How to Use the Double Major System

  1. 1Students must acquire the credits for the basic required courses with the minimum required credits for major courses in the department (college) of their major
  2. 2When students of the College of Education intend to take courses from other departments, or other majors within the same college, they are required to complete the courses required for teachers as well as the minimum number of major courses. Exceptions to the rule above are students of the School of Social Studies Education who take a second major in Common Social Studies, and students of the School of Science Education who take a second major in Common Science.
  3. 3Double majors are classified into Major 1 (department or college of major) and Major 2 (department or college of second major).
  4. 4Students who intend to drop their second major for any reason should submit a form of resignation to the department or the college concerned.


  1. 1When students who have applied for a double major decide to drop their second major, the credits that have been already acquired are considered general elective credits (optional credits).
  2. 2Students who complete the double major will receive a single diploma with two degrees: Major 1 and Major 2.
  3. 3Students who fail to meet the requirements for graduation in their primary major (Major 1) will not be granted a degree, even if they have successfully completed the second major.
  4. 4Students who intend to take a double major are required to pay whichever is the highest of the tuition for Major 1 or Major 2. Tuition will not be refunded, even in the event that the student drops his/her second major.
  5. 5Students of other departments are not allowed to acquire a teacher’s certificate, even when they take courses of the College of Education as a second major.
  6. 6Students cannot take courses of the same department (major) as Major 1 and Major 2

Combined Major

The combined major system refers to a curriculum that combines the courses of three or more departments or colleges.

Students are allowed to take combined major courses beginning in their sophomore year. Students who intend to take combined major courses are required to submit an application with approvals from the Head of the department or college of their original major and the Head (head professor) of the central department or college of the combined major to the Dean of the combined major department, and then seek the approval of the President of the university. Students are not allowed to take the major courses of the College of Pharmacy, the College of Arts (excluding the Department of Korean Music and the Department of Art, Culture, & Image), the Department of Nursing, or the College of Engineering (Major of Architectural Engineering) as part of a combined major.

Students who apply for the combined major system can choose from among the courses marked as combined major courses in the educational curriculum. When students of other departments take combined major courses, the same rule is applied as for the double major system

Teacher Certification Program

Students who are selected for the teacher certification program are required to complete all of the required courses for teachers, including educational practice. They are required to complete all subjects that are designated as basic required courses for the teacher’s certificate.

When students of the College of Education and students who are selected for the teacher certification program intend to take the program as part of a second major or a double major, and they must be eligible for the general double major or the second major. Students who entered the University in 2008 or later, or students who have been specially admitted to the University in 2008 or later are not allowed to take the program as a second major.

Students who take the teacher certification program as a second major or a double major are required to complete the related subjects of the program. Regardless of the type of certificate, students who take the program as a double major are required to complete educational practice for either Major 1 or Major 2. Students who are majoring in Early Childhood Education or Special Education at the College of Education are required to complete their teaching practice at kindergartens or special schools.

Credits Required for Students Applying for the Teacher Certification Program

  • Over 50 credits in major courses
  • Over 22 credits in educational courses for teachers

Credits Required for Students Pursuing a Double Major in Education

(Students who have entered the University since 2008, or students who have been specially admitted to the University since 2008, are not allowed to apply for education courses.)

  • 30 or more credits for second major courses
  • At least 4 credits for education in the related subject (including Education of Subject and Teaching Material Research & Teaching Method)