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General Leave

Students who cannot continue their studies due to an illness or personal circumstances may take leave of absence by submitting the required documents and the application.

Students, who cannot continue their studies due to mandatory service in the army, an illness, or personal circumstances, may take a leave of absence by submitting the required documents along with an application.

Period of Leave

  1. 1
    Students can apply for leave within the first half of the semester. New students of undergraduate courses, and students in the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, and School of Oriental Medicine, are not allowed to take leave in the first semester.
  2. 2
    Students taking undergraduate courses and students taking Master’s courses in the School of Medicine, the School of Dentistry, the School of Oriental Medicine, and the programs combining Master’s and Doctoral courses at the School of Law are allowed to take leave for a total of six semesters. Students taking Master’s and Doctoral courses are allowed to take leave for a total of four semesters, students of programs combining Master’s and Doctoral courses are allowed to take leave for six semesters, while students of programs combining Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorial courses are allowed to take leave for ten semesters. Students majoring in Architectural Engineering are allowed to take leave for a total of eight semesters, students of programs combining Bachelor’s and Master’s courses are allowed to take leave for ten semesters, while students of programs combining Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorial courses are allowed to take leave for twelve semesters.
  3. 3
    The rules specified in the above two articles do not apply to students who are presumed to have unavoidable reasons for taking leave, such as illness, pregnancy (within 1 year), maternity leave (within 3 years), military service, language study, or overseas study over 1 year.

Leave Application Procedure

  1. 1
    Confirm the tuition payment status before applying for leave

    Students who applied for leave within the first half of the relevant semester can carry the paid tuition forward, and are not required to pay an additional amount in the event that tuition is increased.

  2. 2
    When the application for leave and the required documents are submitted to the Student Affairs Center of the College with the approval of the College Head, the application for leave is processed.

    the application form can be downloaded from the PNU website

  3. 3
    When a student who has taken leave for a semester intends to take leave for an additional semester, he/she is allowed to apply for leave without making a registration of return.

Required Documents for Application for Leave

  1. 1
    Students who desire to take a general leave are required to submit the form after receiving confirmation from the head of the department.
  2. 2
    Students who must take leave due to an illness, pregnancy, or maternity leave are required to submit a copy of the medical certificate issued by the head of a national or public hospital, or a medical specialist. For the family leave, the ID or certificate of family relations for kids under 8 years old must be submitted along with the application form.
  3. 3
    Students who take more than one year off from the school in order to study abroad are required to submit the letter of confirmation of registration or enrollment form language training for of study or must be submitted to hunger.

    Students are requested to submit certificates of course completion and official transcripts upon return.

  4. 4
    Students who enter the military during a period of general leave without applying for a leave for military service are required to submit their certificate of military service to the Student Affairs Center of the College before the period of general leave has expired.

Leave for Military Service

Students who have received an Order of Military Service are required to submit the application for leave and the related documents a minimum of seven days before the date of entrance. The application can be made by a guarantor or by a proxy.

Period of Application

Students taking leave for military service are allowed to submit the application at any time.

During vacations, students are allowed to apply for leave during the leave/return registration period.

Leave Application Procedure

  • Confirm the tuition payment status and the credits before applying for leave
  • When the application for leave bearing both the signature of the student and the approval of the College Head is submitted to the Student Affairs Center of the College along with a copy of the order for military service, the application is processed. The application form is available on the PNU’s website (See Tips)


  • Students who enter the military force during a period of general leave are required to submit a copy of the order of military service a minimum of seven days prior to their date of entrance to the military, in order to change the type of leave to leave for military service. Students who do not notify the school of their military service may be removed from the student list after their period of general leave has expired. A
  • Leave for military service is not included in the number of allowed leaves.
  • Students who take leave for military service are required to return to school within one year (two semesters) from the date of their completion of military service.
  • Students who were discharged from the military force after submitting an application for leave for military service are required to submit their certificate of dismissal to the Student Affairs Center of the College, so that the type of leave can be changed to general leave.
  • Students who were given a discharge from military service due to family hardships or illness are required to return to school within two semesters from their date of discharge.


When a period of leave has expired, or the reason for the leave no longer exists, students are required to return to the school in the fixed period of the semester. Upon the approval of the Dean of the College during the registration period, a student can return prior to the expiration of the leave.

Period of Application for a Return

Students are allowed to submit the application for a return during the fixed return registration period and the tuition payment period of each semester.

Please refer to the academic calendar for the return registration period.

Period of Application for Return for students who have completed military service

  • Submit application during the fixed return registration period or the fixed tuition payment period, within one year from the date of military service completion.
  • Students who complete military service after the registration period are allowed to return to school during the first 1/3 of the semester.

Leave Application Procedure

  • Confirm the tuition payment status and the credits before applying for leave
  • When the application for leave bearing both the signature of the student and the approval of the College Head is submitted to the Student Affairs Center of the College along with a copy of the order for military service, the application is processed. The application form is available on the PNU’s website (See Tips)


  • Students who enter the military force during a period of general leave are required to submit a copy of the order of military service a minimum of seven days prior to their date of entrance to the military, in order to change the type of leave to leave for military service. Students who do not notify the school of their military service may be removed from the student list after their period of general leave has expired.
  • Leave for military service is not included in the number of allowed leaves.
  • Students who take leave for military service are required to return to school within one year (two semesters) from the date of their completion of military service.
  • Students who were discharged from the military force after submitting an application for leave for military service are required to submit their certificate of dismissal to the Student Affairs Center of the College, so that the type of leave can be changed to general leave.
  • Students who were given a discharge from military service due to family hardships or illness are required to return to school within two semesters from their date of discharge.

Procedure of Return

Submit the application for return with the required documents to the related college. Application forms for return are available on the PNU website. Pay the tuition specified in the tuition paper after gaining confirmation of return. The bill can be downloaded from the PNU website. Students who do not pay the tuition after returning may be expelled from the university. Any tuition paid before the leave will be carried over to the new semester.

Documents Required to Apply for Return

Students who have taken general leave are not required to submit any documents other than the letter of return (submit the application form for the return only)

Students who have taken leave for military service are required to submit a copy of the certificate of completion of military service

Students who are about to complete military service: When a student is scheduled to complete military service within ten days of the 1/3 mark of the semester, they can apply for an early return within the first 1/3 of the semester. Required documents include a copy of the leave for military service, the advance certificate of completion of military service, and the approval of the military commander for the studies.

Student who returned to the school from the taken leave for military service need confirm their status is “enrolled”, and then register for reservist to "reserve army regiment" at the second floor of Student center for Busan Campus and at the second floor of the student center at Mirayang campus.


Targets of Expulsion

  • Students who do not return to the school after leave, without reasonable cause
  • Students whose period of enrollment exceeds the limit
  • Students who have received three consecutive academic warnings
  • Students who have received the disciplinary punishment of expulsion
  • Students who have voluntarily resigned
  • Students who have enrolled at another university
  • Students who are presumed to have no chance of continued studies, due to an unavoidable cause such as death or illness
  • Students who did not pay tuition or register for courses during the designated period. This requirement may be waived when students are participating in language studies or overseas studies that are approved by the Head of the College.

Procedure of Expulsion

Expulsion is processed after the 1/3 mark of each semester, following a review of the list of targets for expulsion, which is made after the registration period.

Voluntary Resignation

Application Period for Voluntary Resignation

Students who cannot continue their studies due to unavoidable circumstances can submit a letter of voluntary resignation at any time during the year.

Procedure for Voluntary Resignation

Students who intend to voluntarily resign from school are required to prepare a letter of voluntary resignation with the signature of a guarantor, gain approval from their academic advisor and the head of the department, and submit the letter to the College.

Required Documents for Voluntary Resignation

Letter of Voluntary Resignation (Death Certificate or Basic Certificate, in the event of the death of a student)