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Information about Graduation

Regular Graduation

Students who have achieved a GPA of 2.00 or higher, and who have completed the required courses and credits within the fixed period (16 semesters, 20 semesters for Architectural Engineering Major) are qualified to graduate from the university. Students must also meet the requirements for graduation designated by each department, such as the submission of a graduation thesis, the passing of a graduation examination, and others.

Students who are taking a double major must meet the requirements for graduation designated by both departments (colleges) to attain a diploma in both majors.

Early Graduation

Under the early graduation system, students can receive their degree before registration for the eighth semester by acquiring the required credits for graduation through vacation sessions, or by being granted additional credits for excellent academic performance.

  1. 1
    Qualifications: Students who have completed all of the required courses in six or seven semesters, and meet the standard of eligibility in terms of GPA
  2. 2

    Standard of Eligibility: Average GPA for whole semesters

    • Students that apply under the 2001 curriculum: GPA 3.80 and higher
    • Students that apply under the 2005 curriculum: GPA 4.00
  3. 2

    The following categories of students cannot qualify for early graduation:

    • Specially admitted or re-admitted
    • students Students who have received an academic warning or disciplinary punishment

Reference: Duration of Courses/ Maximum Duration of Enrollment

Duration of Courses/ Maximum Duration of Enrollment
Type Duration of Courses Maximum Duration of Enrollment
Regular Graduation 8 semesters 16 semesters
College of Engineering (Major of Architectural Engineering) 10 semesters 20 semesters

The maximum duration of enrollment for specially admitted or re-admitted students depends on the number of semesters officially recognized as completed.

The maximum duration of enrollment for specially admitted or re-admitted students depends on the number of semesters officially recognized as completed.
Type Specially admitted students Re-admitted students
Duration of Completed Semesters 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Maximum Duration of nrollment 12 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7

Students who fail to complete the required courses within the maximum duration of enrollment will be expelled. Periods of leave are not included in the period of enrollment.

Required Credits by Year

Students of the College of Humanities, the College of Social Sciences, the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Business, the College of Human Ecology, the College of Arts, the College of Sports Science, and the Department of Tourism and Conventions and are required to acquire a minimum of 132 credits to graduate. The minimum credit requirements by year are as follows.

  • Year 1
    at least 33 credits
  • Year 2
    at least 66 credits
  • Year 3
    at least 99 credits
  • Year 4
    at least 132 credits

Students of the College of Engineering (excluding the Architecture Major), the College of Law, , the College of Nano Science and Technology, the College of Nursing, and the College of Natural Resources and Life Science must acquire a minimum of 140 credits to graduate. The minimum credit requirements by year are as follows.

  • Year 1
    at least 35 credits
  • Year 2
    at least 70 credits
  • Year 3
    at least 105 credits
  • Year 4
    at least 140 credits

Students of the College of Education must acquire a minimum of 141 credits to graduate. The minimum credit requirements by year are as follows.

  • Year 1
    at least 35 credits
  • Year 2
    at least 70 credits
  • Year 3
    at least 105 credits
  • Year 4
    at least 141 credits

Students of the College of Pharmacy are required to acquire a minimum of 150 credits to graduate. The minimum credit requirements by year are as follows.

  • Year 1
    at least 37 credits
  • Year 2
    at least 74 credits
  • Year 3
    at least 111 credits
  • Year 4
    at least 150 credits

Students of the Architectural Engineering Major in the College of Engineering must acquire a minimum of 168 credits to graduate. The minimum credit requirements by year are as follows.

  • Year 1
    at least 34 credits
  • Year 2
    at least 68 credits
  • Year 3
    at least 102 credits
  • Year 4
    at least 136 credits
  • Year 5
    at least 168 credits

Postponing Graduation

  1. 1
    Postponing graduation can be requested by students who have met all the requirements for graduation, but plan to stay in school as a student.
  2. 2

    To qualify for postponing graduation, students must receive approval and pay their tuition within the tuition payment period.

    • Target : students about to graduate from undergraduate school
    • Postponement period : up to 2 semesters while enrolled at the university
    • Postponement procedure : submitted by the student to department, and processed by the Student Affairs Center of university
    • Qualification : Students who satisfy the duration of enrollment and do not exceed the maximum duration of enrollment. Students who meet graduation requirements
    • Application period : The first application can be made after completing 8 semesters (10 semesters for an Architecture major) when graduation requirements have been satisfied after final grades were determined for the current semester. The second application can be made after final grades are released in the follwing semester.
    • Conditions

      • Students cannot take leaves of absence during the graduation postponement period.
      • Students postponing graduation who are registered for classes will be charged tuition at a different rate, while students who did not register for classes will be charged 10% of the student fee.
      • Classes cannot be retaken unless the student received a failing grade.
    • Others

      • Students who fail to pay their tuitions will have their graduation postponement approvals revoked and be required to graduate as originally scheduled.

Academic Degree

Graduation Thesis

  • Students who are expected to graduate should submit their graduation thesis for review. The students who fail to submit a graduation thesis, or who do not pass the review of the submitted thesis are not granted an academic degree. They can submit their thesis within 2 years of course completion up to 2 times.A
  • However, the thesis can be substituted with a report on experiments or practical study, presentations, or graduation examinations depending on the characteristics of each department, and the scope can be decided by each department.
  • Guidelines and methods for a graduation thesis can be decided by each department.

Academic Degree

  • Students who have acquired all of the credits required for graduation, achieved a GPA of 2.00 or higher, and gone through a review of their graduation thesis are allowed to graduate, and are granted an academic degree.
  • Students who fail to submit a graduation thesis, or who do not pass the review of the submitted thesis (including reports on experiments or practical study, presentations, or graduation examinations) are not granted an academic degree, even if they have acquired all of the required credits for graduation

Contact related departments (major) for more details on the requirements for graduation (graduation thesis/graduation examination)