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Research Support

Research Support

Korea has enjoyed rapid development in the area of industrial technology, but its growth has been limited to applied technology. Korea still lags behind advanced nations in terms of basic technology. While the 21st century demands the advancement of traditional industries, it is also characterized by the emergence of new industries, in which new technologies, such as nanotechnologies and biotechnologies, are converged. To establish our national competitiveness in these future businesses, we need to escape from a pattern of imitation and improvement, and truly develop new knowledge.

Universities are the hubs of knowledge and the sources of creative technology, where more than 80 percent of researchers can be found. In the age of creative technology in the 21st century, the source technologies developed in universities should be directly applied to the advancement of traditional industries and the development of new businesses through creative collaborations between industry and academia. Responding to this need, research support centers have been established within universities to stimulate these collaborations.

The Institute for Research and Industry Cooperation at Pusan National University aims to support collaboration between industry and academia. The Institute has the goal of making Pusan National University a research hub for the southeast industrial belt by stimulating and activating industrial-academic collaboration through partnerships with the central government, local governments, and industries. It also aims to contribute to the development of the University and the local community by nurturing future experts in the related fields.

The Institute is actively working on a wide range of internal and external projects, including providing support for the participation of professors in industrial-academic collaboration, supporting the efficient operation of government-invested initiatives,? improving the planning function of the administrative offices of each institute and center by operating them in an integrated way, stimulating technology transfer, attracting government-invested businesses, and developing an industrial-academic-research cluster for the Southeastern region. To achieve these initiatives, the Institute attracts capable experts, and strives to build a network for cooperative between industry, academia, government, and research.

Research Support

Research Support

The Institute for research and Industry Cooperation at Pusan National University supports diverse research, and provides indirect support for the participation of PNU professors in domestic and international seminars, and in contributing to international academic journals.

  • 01Financial Support for Participation in International Seminars

    • Objective : Secure global competitiveness by improving the research capability of professors, and stimulate research efforts by expanding opportunities for participation in international seminars and international academic exchanges.
    • Eligibility : Faculty members who are full-time instructors or are in higher positions who are presenting papers (including papers posted in journals and oral presentations) or are chairing international seminars (Arts and Sports: presentations, conducting, performance, and judging)
    • Details : 100% of GTR round-trip expenses, to a maximum of KRW 2 million. An individual faculty member can only receive this support once per year.
  • 02Financial Support for the Hosting of Academic Events

    • Objective : Provide practical support to stimulate academic research and academic development by encouraging the hosting and attraction of internal and external academic events, thus contributing to academic development and the improvement of research capabilities.
    • Qualification : Domestic and international academic events organized by departments or research institutes of Pusan National University
    • Details : Funding ranging from KRW 0.5 million to KRW 3 million is available for domestic events, and up to KRW 4 million for international events, depending on the number of presenters and participants. Support is provided only once per year.
  • 03Financial Support for English Editing of Papers Submitted to International Academic Journals

    • Objective : Provide a professional English editing service for papers submitted to international academic journals in order to encourage publication in international journals. Aim to improve research capability and enthusiasm of professors by improving the quality of English papers, thus improving their competitiveness in evaluation.
    • Qualification : Papers whose authors or corresponding authors are professors, chair professors, and research fellows of Pusan National University
    • Details : 100% of the 1st English editing expenses for papers submitted to international academic journals in the SCI-class or higher.
  • 04Financial Support for the Publication of Collected Papers of Research Institutes

    • Objective : Provide practical support for the publication of collected papers in order to enable papers held by Pusan National University to be selected as candidates by the Korea Research Foundation. Aim to improve the research capability of research institutes, stimulate the academic achievements of professors, and contribute to the academic development of the university by improving the quality of research papers and introducing systematic approaches.
    • Qualification : Research papers of Pusan National University that will be selected by or submitted to the Korea Research Foundation
    • Details : From 50% to 100% of publication expenses within KRW 5 million, depending on the selection results of the Korea Research Foundation.
  • 05Guideline for PNU Project Support (Draft)

    • Purpose : Improve the quality of proposals and increase the rate of being selected by providing financial support for major projects proposed by PNU.
    • Qualifications
      • A. The full-time instructor of PNU and director of the research centers or other centers designated by the staff in charge of the project
      • B. The staff in charge at the point of planning and the staff in charge at the point of implementation of the project may not be the same person.
    • Targets
      • A project in which PNU is the organization in charge
      • A large-scale governmental project or a group project of the center or departmental level.
      • A project recognized as the one that needs supporting by the head of the Institute for Research & Industry Cooperation, PNU.
    • Criteria
      • A. The number of participating professors (limited to full-time instructors of PNU)
        • 1) Less than 5: up to KRW 0.5 million
        • 2) From 5 to 9: up to KRW 1 million
        • 3) 10 or more: up to KRW 2 million
      • B. The annual project budgets (based on the annual average)
        • 1) Less than KRW 0.5 billion per year: up to KRW 0.5 million
        • 2) From KRW 0.5 billion to KRW 1 billion: up to KRW 1 million
        • 3) KRW 1 billion or more: up to KRW 2 million
      • C. Special Occasions When there are special occasions in terms of targets or characteristics of projects, additional support may be provided based on the actual expenses.
    • Application Procedure
      • A. Submit the official letter (Application for budget support for project proposal activities) of designated directors of research centers or other centers
      • B. The ceiling of the support in accordance with the criteria above is determined.
        • Ex) The governmental project participated by seven professors with the annual budget of KRW 0.4 billion and the need for contact with foreign experts
        • => KRW 1 million (based on the number of participating professors) + KRW 0.5 million (annual budgets) + traveling expenses
      • C. After reviewing the application and determining the amount of support, the determined amount of support is provided to the applied department.
      • D. Submit the bill after spending the supported amount (within 5 days from the date of notice from the Project Support Office)
    • Application Period
      • A. After the date of notice on the project
      • B. After meeting the qualification for final application (when there is a limit in the number of applications)
      • C. For other special occasions, the period may be applied in other ways.
    • Date of Enforcement

      The guideline takes effect on January 1, 2009, and this guideline takes precedence over the similar guidelines introduced before the enforcement date.