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Crest of the University

The crest of the University was revised in September 1981, when the design protocol for all the remarks of the University was established. The revised crest was made to reflect the current university identity. The crest consists of an eagle, a book, the symbols “[]”, and a circle. The eagle symbolizes ambitious flight, a new take-off, and hope, while the book represents the pursuit of academic knowledge and truth. The symbol “[]” is a simplified graphic representing the head Korean letters of Pusan National University, “ㄱ,” “ㅂ,” and “ㄷ.” The big circle symbolizes peace and co-existence.

Moonchangdae & 60th Commemorative 60 Steps

Moonchangdae & 60th Commemorative 60 Steps

In 2006, as a commemorative enterprise of the 60th anniversary, 60 Steps have been created along the ridge to Moonchangdae, and the surroundings set in good condition on a large scale, and ‹Moonchangdae› has undergone a renewal. Commemorative Steps have been constructed on the developing fund contributed by two alumni of Park Jong-Ik(Business studies '62/ a consultantof AlumniAssociation) and Lee Sang-Jik(Commercial studies '63 /president of theAlumni Associationfor College of Commercial studies). At the entrance of the Steps, Picked up from the article 'Moonchang and Moonchangdae' referring to the meaning & the origin of Moonchangdae. Moonchangdae is an emblem of PNU, a sanctuary of learning. 'Moonchang and Moonchangdae' was written by Prof. Choi Duk-kyung in the publicity booklet Moonchangdae.

Moonchang star

Moonchang star

Anorganization-emblem either represents the organization or shows a cherished hope and wish of the members in it. One of symbolic words which represent PNU is 'Moonchang'. Moonchangdae is the emblematic object of Moonchang. In 1954 Lee Seon-geun, who was the then Minister of Education, visited this University on October 22. He praised that the then president Yoon In-gu had named the University s new lot 'Hyowon'. Lee found a marvelous rock in front of the Pharmacy Building, and named its surroundings Moonchangdae because Moonchang star sheds light on that site. Since then the word Moonchang has closely related with PNU.

Tower of Great Leap

Tower of Great Leap

Passing through Rainbow Gate, on the fork between the road to the Humanities Building and another to the Library #3, is Eagle Statue with flapping wings. In 1972, commemorating of 25th anniversary, it was started on construction on May 15 and completed on December 22. The construction cost of 9.8 million won, all of which was students contribution.

  • The Emblematic Statue of University Motto

    Each of three Statues carved in relief on the surface of the tower symbolizes truth, liberty and service.

  • Eagle Statue

    The eagle was designed by Prof. Kim Sejoong, the sculptor (then president of Art-College at Seoul National University) on the 15m tower. The eagle was made up with bronze, 3 meters in height, with 2.8 meters wings, and it weighed 3 tons. 'Flapping eagle about to fly' stands for the spirit of PNU people who cherish dreams for the future and globalization. It is, therefore, called the Tower of Great Leap. The Eagle Statue was damaged Typhoon Selma In 1987, and Prof. Kim Jeongmyeong of our Art-College has reconstructed it and presented it to the public on May 29 of 1988. On the lower surface of the tower the Eagle Anthem is copper-plated, which sings PNU people s mettle soaring high like eagles in the sky.

  • Eagle Legend of Mt. Geumjeong

    According to 'Geumjeong tale relating the site' written and published by our alumnus Joo Yeongtaek(History '55/ the chief of the Gamagol Institute of Local history), the fanshape 'fan-rock' in the other side of Yongho peak of Mt. Geumjeong have been called the eagle ridge or the eagle rock following the part of the tale this that eagles inhabited there.

Hyowon / Hyowonin

Hyowon / Hyowonin

“Hyowon” is a Korean word referring to the “morning star,” now known as Venus. Wonhyoam in Beomeo Temple, located on Geumjeong Mountain, is the place where Wonhyodaesa, a well-known monk from the Silla era, resided during an ascetic existence. Hyowon also means “the hill of Wonhyo.” The spirit of Wonhyo, who underwent his spiritual discipline in the fresh morning air, is symbolized by this morning star, which enlightens us all. The term “Hyowonin” symbolizes the freshness of the morning air, spiritual discipline, and achievements. Students who go to school in the early morning can realize the true meaning of Hyowon.

Rainbow Gate

Rainbow Gate

The Rainbow Gate was started to construct in commemoration of the 10th anniversary by the idea of the first president Yoon Ingu(1953.11.26~1960.5.10) in 1957; it was designed by Kim Joong-up who was the pioneer of Korean modern architecture, and funded by Park Seon-gi who was both the chief of PNU Supporters Association and the president of Daeseon brewing company. After passing through the slow curbed University entrance, white Cheon-goong(rainbow) attracts people s attention with its gracious figure. The gracefulness of the Rainbow Arch, harmonized with the clear sky of green forests and wild bamboo grooves at both sides of the way, shows the master s genius.

Sixtyyears have passed on, and brilliant intellects have been produced and the University has changed much, but the Rainbow Arch as the first main gate of the University has kept its gracious style.

University Mascot

University Mascot

「Sanjini」is a Korean word that means a wild and rapacious bird, and usually refers to eagles and hawks. The character of “Sanjini” is an eagle with a friendly image, symbolizing wildness and ambition. The character is used for diverse purposes, promoting the dynamic nature of the University.