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Pusan National University Researchers Explore the Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Hair Health

Writer 김근수 / [연구진흥과] Date 2024-11-25 게시종료일 2024-12-09 03:32 Hit 288
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Exploring the association between androgenetic alopecia and alcohol consumption


Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common form of hair loss and significantly affects an individual’s quality of life. A recent study from Pusan National University examined the potential connection between alcohol consumption and AGA. The study found limited evidence to support a significant correlation. While alcohol intake may play a small role in AGA, its impact is less substantial than previously believed.


Image title: Exploring the correlation between alcohol consumption and alopecia in men


Image caption: While alcohol may increase the risk of hair loss in men, there is no significant correlation between the two. Larger cohort studies with clear guidelines are needed to clarify this.

Image credit: Yun Hak Kim from Pusan National University, Korea

License type: Original Content

Usage restrictions: Cannot be reused without permission


Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common condition that affects millions of men and women worldwide. As the most prevalent form of hair loss, AGA can impact an individual’s appearance and self-esteem, often leading to concerns about aging and social perceptions. While AGA is primarily driven by genetic and hormonal factors, lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, and stress have also been explored as potential contributors.


Alcohol consumption, a widespread behavior worldwide, is widely studied for its health impacts, including risks for diseases such as liver damage and cardiovascular diseases. However, whether alcohol intake could influence or exacerbate hair loss, particularly AGA, remains uncertain. One hypothesis is that acetaldehyde, a byproduct of alcohol metabolism, may interfere with the scalp’s immune environment—factors that could potentially contribute to AGA. However, this proposed mechanism remains speculative.


To address this gap, a group of researchers led by Professor Yun Hak Kim from the Department of Anatomy at Pusan National University's School of Medicine conducted the first systematic review and meta-analysis. The findings were published on November 11, 2024 in Volume 59, Issue 6 of Alcohol and Alcoholism. “The study found that although individuals who consume alcohol may have a slightly higher likelihood of experiencing AGA compared to non-drinkers, this association is not statistically significant,” explains Prof. Kim. The odds of AGA among drinkers were found to be 1.4 times higher than in non-drinkers, but with a wide range of uncertainty.


Cross-sectional and case-control studies have shown a modest association between alcohol intake and AGA, while cohort studies, that are typically more robust, did not find a significant correlation. This discrepancy suggests that further high-quality research is needed to clarify whether alcohol has any impact on AGA risk. The researchers advocate for larger, well-controlled cohort studies to better understand whether alcohol impacts AGA, and if so, the underlying mechanism. They also recommend standardized criteria for diagnosing AGA and consistent definitions of alcohol use in future research to generate more definitive conclusions.


Prof. Kim concludes with the long-term implications of their study, Our research could inform public health guidance, patient counseling, and targeted awareness campaigns, helping individuals make informed lifestyle choices regarding hair health. Over time, this could contribute to more comprehensive, personalized health strategies, where factors like diet, genetics, and lifestyle are better understood and integrated into prevention and treatment plans for hair loss.”


We hope this study paves the way for improved and personalized treatments for improving hair health.




Title of original paper:  Exploring the Association between Alcohol Consumption and Androgenic Alopecia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism

DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agae076


About the institute

Pusan National University, located in Busan, South Korea, was founded in 1946, and is now the no. 1 national university of South Korea in research and educational competency. The multi-campus university also has other smaller campuses in Yangsan, Miryang, and Ami. The university prides itself on the principles of truth, freedom, and service, and has approximately 30,000 students, 1200 professors, and 750 faculty members. The university is composed of 14 colleges (schools) and one independent division, with 103 departments in all.




About the authors


Dr. Won Kyu Kim (Ph.D.) is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Convergence Medicine at Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, and an Associate Professor at the University of Science and Technology (UST). Dr. Kim also serves as a Senior Research Scientist at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Gangneung. With expertise in molecular medical science, his group leads pioneering research in organoid biology, transcriptomics, proteomics, oncology, inflammatory diseases, and aging. Utilizing advanced technologies and integrative multiomics approaches, their research focuses on uncovering the underlying mechanisms of complex diseases, identifying novel therapeutic targets, and contributing to the advancement of personalized medicine.


Dr. Kihun Kim (M.D.), a specialist in occupational and environmental medicine, is pursuing his Ph.D. in the Department of Anatomy at Pusan National University (PNU). Dr. Kim conducts systematic reviews and meta-analyses on various diseases and investigates multiomics including single-cell transcriptomics, spatial omics, genomics, epigenomics, and microbiomics to uncover the underlying causes of complex diseases.


Dr. Yun Hak Kim (M.D., Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine at PNU. He also holds the position of head professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Science of Genomic Science, PNU. His group utilizes cutting-edge technology to understand the pathophysiology of diseases and discover therapeutic targets. The Kim group handles both experiments and bioinformatics, employing a multiomics approach that includes single-cell transcriptomics, spatial omics, genomics, epigenomics, and microbiomics to unravel the causes of complex diseases.


Lab website:

ORCID IDs: 0000-0003-1960-4755 (Won Kyu Kim),

0000-0001-6445-6881 (Kihun Kim),

0000-0002-9796-8266 (Yun Hak Kim)