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Education Center of Semiconductor Design Go list page

The semiconductor industry is a parts industry, but its size equals that of the passenger car market. In addition, the semiconductor is Korea’s No. 1 export item, and as such it represents an enormous share of the nation’s industry. As Korea has secured its place in the market by producing reliable memory chips at cut-rate prices, our economy suffers difficulties when the global memory price plummets, as it has recently. On the other hand, the market for semiconductors outside of the area of memory chips is four times larger than that for memory chips, and its price is also higher and more stable. The Education Center of Semiconductor Design was established to generate capable experts for design of non-memory semiconductors. 



1. Support for CAD Tools, Computer Measuring, and Test Equipment

Support for workstations, Linux servers, and PCs for chip design

Highly valuable measuring and testing equipment

Purchase, distribution, and support of CAD Tools

2. Semiconductor design education and training in the use of CAD tools

Training in the use of CAD tools

Open seminars for design technology

3. Development of semiconductor design educational programs and materials

Development of educational programs and materials related to the design of VLSI and systems

Development of video contents and online educational materials

4. Support for the manufacturing of MPW (Multi-Project Wafer) Chips

Support designs concepts with the manufacturing facilities of semiconductor firms

5. Forum to exchange information, materials, and opinions

Exchange information and materials between universities, and between industry, academia, and research institutes

Cooperation for joint research projects

6. Support for industries

Building an environment that supports the chip manufacturing and design of small and medium-sized companies, with the Korea Electronics Technology Institute