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Institute of Jeompil-jae Go list page

The Institute of Jeompil-jae aims to compile & edit, translate, and study the works of Jeompil-jae Kim Jong-Jik and his pupils, through academic-industrial-governmental cooperation centered around “Pusan National University,” “Miryang Culture Center & Mirayng City,” and “Jangone Education & Culture Co., Ltd.” It also aims to modernize and popularize classics written in Chinese by developing his books into classic content that can be combined with modern media. Furthermore, by utilizing the excellent research and educational space of Pusan National University Miryang campus, and the quality research personnel of Pusan National University, it plays the role of contributing to the local community of Miryang through “instilling the cultural pride of Miryang citizens,” “establishment of the central educational city Yeongnam area,” and “the development of tourist attractions for traditional cultures.” The major role of the institute and details of projects it carries out are as follows:  

1) Project for data collection, compilation & editing, translation & academic studies on the collection of Kim Jong-jik and early Neo-Confucianists

2) Project for planning, development and publication of contents for classics written in Chinese of Kim Jong-jik and Yeongnam Neo-Confucianist

3) Various educational academy projects for children, middle & high school students, and citizens in the Yeongnam area, centered on Miryang

4) Project for development of various traditional culture tourism utilizing traditional cultural assets of Yeongnam area, centered on Miryang

5) Project for attraction of large-scale national project related to planning of contents for classics and other classics written in Chinese

6) Project for translation of classics written in Chinese in connection to Department of Korean Literature in Chinese Characters BK 21 and training of specialized work force for planning contents of classics