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Women’s Studies Center Go list page

The Women’s Studies Center was established in 1988 with the goal of realizing the idea of gender equality – a challenging issue for mankind – as well as studying various synchronic and historical women’s issues arising in all levels of society, in the local, national, and international communities; and to develop the potential capacities of women, carry out studies, operations, and training on the development of training courses for improving women’s status and rights. In addition to this, the center pursues desirable practices for women by developing and operating a systematic process for information exchange and training of female university students’ and local community women’s entry into society and employment. And in doing so, it aims to participate and contribute to the development of not only women as individuals, but as a local and national group. 

Furthermore, the center is engaging in various activities such as academic seminars, special lectures and speeches, symposium, national and international academic conferences with a diverse range of themes, such as self-realization of women, law for equal employment of male & female, family law, child welfare, Busan area women’s movement, and men’s studies.