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The history of microorganisms can be traced back billions of years, and deals with the very first organisms that appeared on the Earth. Since then, microorganisms have diversified in many ways, taking on many functions and existing in virtually every kind of biosphere. The study of microbiology explores the structure and function of microorganisms, with the aim not only of enabling an understanding of the phenomenon of life, but also of understanding the phenomenon of higher forms of life, including human beings. Microbiology is based on cellular biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics. It has recently entered the spotlight as a field of study that will lead the bio revolution in the 21stcentury,conductingresearchintohumandiseasesstemmingfrommicroorganisms,theroleofmicroorganismsinfoodandtheenvironment,andappliedareasofstudy,suchasbiotechnologythatmakesuseofmicroorganisms. The Department of Microbiology was established in 1979, and has produced numerous proud graduates, including many with advanced degrees. There are eight faculty members who have majored in various fields of microbiology, and about 50 graduate students are actively engaging in research while pursuing their Master’s or Doctorate degrees. The department is equipped with the equipment needed to perform cutting-edge research in the field of microbiology. We have ensured that research and education is provided in an optimal environment by establishing modern laboratories that support the experiments of students. Furthermore, the department is carrying out many government-led projects related to research and education in this field. The department is currently engaged in the NewUniversityforRegionalInnovation(NURI)project,andismakingeveryefforttofostertalentedgraduateswithstrongcapabilities.