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Molecular Biology Go list page


The study of molecular biology explores the essence and mystery of life at a molecular level. It has made a breakthrough in the latter half of the 20th century, which has had far-reaching ramifications not only in the field of basic life science, but also in the applied fields of medical science, pharmacology, agriculture and fisheries, food, and others. Also, as molecular biology can be the key to resolving difficult challenges, including incurable diseases such as AIDS and cancer, hereditary diseases, environmental degradation, and food and energy-related problems, it is considered to be a fundamental discipline with great potential that will enable a third industrial revolution. Meeting up to the expectations and demands of modern society, the undergraduate course for molecular biology was established in Pusan University in 1985, the first program of its kind in Korea. Master’s and Doctorate courses were established in 1990 and 1991, respectively. All 12 faculty members are actively engaged in research activities in their respective fields of expertise, and the department is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment and facilities required for education and research in molecular biology. In 1994, the department was honored as an outstanding department in the national evaluation of biology departments conducted by the Korean Council for University Education. In 2004, its undergraduate and graduate departments were both ed as outstanding departments by the Korean Council for University Education in the Council’s evaluation of departments in the field of biology and biotechnology. Furthermore, the \\"Task Force Team to Foster Experts in Marine Bio Food and Medicine\\" was designated as a New University for Regional Innovation (NURI) project by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development in 2004, and in 2005, the \\"Marine Silver Bio Task Force Team\\" was ed to take part in the Brain Korea 21 Project, which is a testament to the superiority of the department in the field of education and research. The department is also rapidly creating a world-class education and research environment by offering financial support and various other support programs to undergraduate and graduate students. The department is also making every effort to foster experts with the global competitiveness demanded by contemporary society.