Biological Sciences Go list page
- 82-51-510-1772
- 82-51- 581-2962
The Department of Biological Sciences has a long history and tradition, as it was launched concurrently with the establishment of Pusan University in 1946. It takes pride in the longest history of all of the departments of biological sciences in Korea. The department has produced outstanding and talented individuals who are equipped with a future-oriented mindset and competitiveness in line with the purpose of the establishment of the University, the needs of the country and the local community, and the area of specialization of the University. In 1994, the department was chosen as an outstanding department in the national evaluation of life science departments conducted by the Ministry of Education. In 2004, its undergraduate and graduate departments were both ed as outstanding departments by the Korean Council for University Education in the Council’s evaluation of departments in the field of biology and biotechnology. Furthermore, the "Task Force Team to Foster Experts in Marine Bio Food and Medicine" was designated as a New University for Regional Innovation (NURI) project by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development in 2004, and the "Marine Silver Bio Task Force Team" was ed to take part in the Brain Korea 21 Project in 2005, which is a testament to the superiority of the department in the fields of education and research. The department is also offering financial support and a range of other support programs to undergraduate and graduate students. On this foundation, the Department of Biological Sciences is vitalizing education and research to foster outstanding bio-technicians who can lead the development of basic science technologies and industries. In particular, the department is strengthening and expanding the collaboration between industry, academia, and research institutes, so that a climate can be created in which students can move on to work in bio-technology and application industries by setting educational ives and specialization targets that are in line with the policies to nurture geriatrics ("silver" industry), bio, and marine biology industries in Busan.