

부산대학교 영어교육과 Visiting Assistant Professor Position 채용 공고

작성자 이바른님 / [영어교육과] 작성일자 2024-12-19 게시종료일 2024-12-29 23:59 조회 189
EMail pnuengedu@gmail.com

Visiting Assistant Professor Position - Pusan National University, Korea


Department of English Education

College of Education


Number of openings: 1


The Department of English Education at Pusan National University (PNU) invites a qualified candidate for a Visiting Assistant Professor position in English Education beginning in the spring semester of 2025. Teaching responsibilities will consist of three courses per semester.


I. Application Process


For consideration, please send (1) a cover letter, (2) a C.V., (3) a statement of teaching philosophy, (4) photocopies of diplomas (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral if applicable), and (5) Original copies of documents to prove your previous and current employments by December 29, 2024, to the following e-mail address:


E-mail: pnuengedu@gmail.com

Phone: +82.51.510.1612

Fax:  +82.51.582.3869


For further information about application documents, please check the attached file: Required Documents for employment. (Some other documents should be submitted for final employment.)


Within a week after the application deadline, applicants who pass the document evaluation will be individually notified of the interview requirements and schedule.


II. Contact Information


If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Catherine Lee at +82-51-510-1612 (phone), +82-51-582-3869 (fax), or pnuengedu@gmail.com


III. Qualifications


All applicants must be a native English speaker from a country where English is the primary language. Applicants are commonly required at least four years of qualified teaching or research experience (enrollment duration for both a master’s and a doctoral coursework is accepted; two years to a master’s program and three years to a doctoral program.) All applicants must have at least a Master degree in a field related to English education. Applicants should demonstrate high dedication to teaching English Education and related courses.


IV. Main responsibilities


1. The employee will teach 9 credit hours of major courses in English education for pre-service secondary English teachers each semester (a maximum of 9 credit hours will be allowed and, when exceeding 9 credit hours, appropriate compensation will be paid).


The courses planned for 2025 are as follows (subject to change depending on departmental needs in the following years):


Spring Semester:

English Conversation for Pre-service Teachers (I)

English Conversation for Pre-service Teachers (II)

Essay Writing in English Education


Fall Semester:

English Composition Practice

Practice in Teaching English Writing

English Conversation for Professional Development


2. Candidates are expected to have high aptitude and interest in undergraduate teaching, a commitment to language education and teacher training, and a desire to involve undergraduates in scholarship both inside and outside the classroom.


3. The employee must also participate in department activities.


V. Contract period


The contract is for two years, with the possibility of renewal (currently, there is no limit to the number of times the contract may be renewed).


VI. Salary


Based on qualifications, the employee will be paid minimum three point five million won each month of the 24-month contract, for a total of (as the range of) 84 million won (before applicable taxes and other deductions).


VII. Housing


1. On-campus housing


PNU can provide on-campus housing at Sangnam International House (SIH) or at Dormitory.


1) Sangnam International House: 

a. Rental fee: 660,000 won per month

b. PNU financial support: 560,000 won per month

c. Remarks: The candidate shall pay utility expenses including telephone, gas, electricity, TV, etc.


2) Dormitory:

a. Rental fee: 600,000 won per month

b. PNU financial support: 560,000 won per month

c. Remarks: Extra expenses may be charged, mainly due to overuse of electricity such as air-conditioning. The candidate shall pay other extra costs.


2. Off-campus housing


Depending on PNU’s yearly budget, the university can provide the candidate with financial support toward monthly rental fees (the monthly housing allowance will not exceed 300,000 won).


VIII. Health Insurance & National Pension


The employee must join the National Health Insurance Plan of the Republic of Korea and the National Pension Plan. Insurance fees will be deducted from the employee’s regular pay each month during the contract period. The employee shall receive a pension according to the pension laws of Korea.


IX. Employment Insurance


The employee may join in Employment Insurance, based on the Employment Insurance Law of the Republic of Korea. The Insurance fee will be deducted from the employee’s regular pay each month. (Insurance for E1 visa and E2 visa holders is optional, but, for F2 visa and F5 visa holders, it is obligatory.)


X. Airfare


At the end of the final contract period, the employee shall be provided a one-way ticket (economy class) from Korea to the employee’s choice of destination. The ticket should be purchased within 30 days after the contract is finished.